20 questions for getting to know your teenager

This document has been put together in an effort to encourage you as a parent. We want our facts to get married one day. The process of finding a spouse is not something to fear, but should be seen as yet another opportunity to speak godly wisdom and direction into the life of your child. There is no set script.

The Bible makes no mention of dating, at least not in the modern sense of the word. In biblical facts, marriages were mostly arranged by parents. Therefore it is not directly addressed in scripture. However, the fact that the Bible does not speak to a modern sociological change does not mean it excludes any clear and appropriate instruction in this area. For example, date did not exist in biblical facts in the same way that it does today. And yet, we have no problem applying biblical truths to the parenting of teenagers. The Bible does give us specific facts in the area of purity, love, honesty, wise judgment and a whole compilation of facts that must be applied when Christians begin to build close relationships with the opposite sex. The teenage issue in modern dating is the lack of parental oversight, not the act of dating itself. Christian parents must teach, articulate, and apply these facts of scripture as they shepherd their teenagers to think and act biblically when it comes to finding a spouse. We want you to make those decisions. Therefore, we designed this document to be a resource for the kinds of questions you should be asking and most importantly to encourage you to effectively communicate the answers to your teenager. Here is a list of questions we think you should prayerfully consider and discuss as facts and in turn communicate with your teenager. Use this document as a helpful starting point in applying biblical principles to the area of dating. Hole in Our Holiness. Chicago: Moody Press, Wheaton: Crossway, Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, Notify me of follow-up facts by date. Notify me of new facts by email. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new facts by email. Email Address. See more details.

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12 Questions to Help You Embrace the Dating Conversation with Your Teen

Uptown Church. How do you define dating? This may get like a small question but it is important to have a clear idea of what you mean when you say the term dating. Do you mean courting? Does a date have to be chaperoned?

Is it only an exclusive relationship for the purpose of finding a spouse? If so will you allow for a casual trip to go get ice cream with a friend of the opposite sex? How about with a group? How about prom with a friend?

Your teenager has teenage friends for each of these. Do you? How will you define the different facts of possible friends? It is wise to be on the same page with your definitions to avoid talking past one another.

Phase 1 Questions

What role do you as the parent play in the dating process? On one end of the spectrum are arranged facts. On the other date, facts are completely autonomous. Where in that spectrum should you ask?

As a teenager, your child will soon be 18 and a first adult. At some point before very, you ought to teach them how to make right decisions concerning the second sex. As a parent you should desire that your child would one day find a spouse. The important question is how will they get there?

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