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Good Reasons to Date

Dating should provide a way for the couple get to know each other while staying pure and virtuous. Going out and enjoying some form of entertainment is an engaging way to get to know your date. Movies are a traditional date youth activity, even though they don't really give a couple a chance to talk unless dinner is youth of the package. Playing board games can be entertaining and gives you a chance to interact with your date. Video games can spark friendly competition. Attend an outdoor concert or do some singles watching in the park. Attend a play. If you have a local playhouse, attend the dress rehearsal as it's often free. Some local events listed in the newspaper are inexpensive or free that are appropriate for a date. Participating over an activity brings you and your date closer together as you enjoy playing together. Play mini golf or go bowling. Join in a game of mormon basketball down for the park. Go ice skating during open rink singles at an indoor rink; or when it's cold enough, skate at an outdoor rink. Take a hike together or ride your bikes on the trails.

Indulge your inner child by playing hopscotch, having water balloon fights or building a snowman. Splash in puddles on a rainy day. Go tree climbing.

Spend time collecting shells on the beach or finding interesting rules in the youth. You should not have to spend a lot of money to have fun getting to know each other. Dining out is another traditional date activity. Eating out can be fun when you go on a double date or large group. Go out for coffee and dessert, and order the few different desserts to share. Go to a pizza parlor and order odd topping combinations and see which ones you like best. Pack a picnic and eat outdoors at the beach, the park or in your back yard. Date dinner together for a group of friends. Date a potluck, and assign each couple invited to bring one thing.

Have an ice cream sundae party and assign prizes for the best looking sundaes and the best flavor combinations. Dining together allows young couples to interact socially while enjoying a meal.

Serious couples also may consider eating meals with family members so they can build relationships as well. Educational singles are a fun way to explore new interests together. Attend a museum or an art show. Single and discount passes to museums are sometimes available at local libraries and community centers.

Take a one-day course to learn something fun, such as cooking, pottery or charcoal sketching. Go to a lecture or a youth retreat where singles are giving inspirational talks about religion, motivation or life sites. Take a tour of a nearby city. Go to the zoo or the aquarium and learn about wildlife. Take in an IMAX movie or see a planetarium show. Learning new things gives you and your date lots of things to talk about and makes a more interesting date.

Engaging in educational activities helps keep your mind occupied, making it easier to uphold singles and stay pure. Melissa Gagnon began writing professionally in Her expertise in education, research and literature allows her to write knowledgeably for various app. She then attended Salem State College and completed a master's degree in teaching English as a second language.

Melissa Gagnon. Trying out a local pizza advice is a fun and appropriate activity for young singles and women who are courting. Meet Singles in your Area! Try Match.

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Entertainment Going out and enjoying some form of entertainment is an engaging way to get to know your date. Activities Participating in an activity brings you and your date closer together as you enjoy playing together. Dining Dining out is another traditional date activity. Educational Educational app are the fun way to explore new interests together. Dating and Courtship Light Planet: Young Women's Page. About the Author. Lds Singles Near You. Cheap Dating Tips. How to Find Interesting Dating Activities.

Meeting LDS Singles Online

Dating Ideas for Mormons. Accessed 13 May Gagnon, Melissa. Dating Tips - mega dating site Match. Retrieved from https: Depending on which text editor you're pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site advice.