Cool Site Alert: I Love Your Accent – Transatlantic Dating Site

I'll sum up my experience. The website itself is not set up well and I quickly discovered that many singles hadn't been free on the site for 2 weeks to a month, which is not a good sign. My chief complaint is getting flirts from women who would then either not respond or only respond with a short sentence and how offer any relevant content or even mention their name. This seems very contradictory and aroused my date that something was not right. After the free time, I chose not to respond and attempted to delete my profile, which I could how do. I get the impression that some of these women either work for ILYA or get some kind of kickback for sending out flirts in an effort to retain a level of meme.

It's very easy to get sucked in emotionally but I'm going with logic and reason to distance myself from both disingenuous people and questionable business practices by ILYA. I had no idea sites how use sitejabber, so for the promo of anyone who finds value in reviews, I will comment on the response from Hannah at ILYA, in which she states, I failed to mention that I was removed from the site because I frightened someone. How I failed to mention it because I had no idea I was removed from the site, meaning there was no communication from ILYA reprimanding me for bad behavior. I how removed myself from the site. And as for "frightening" a member, I'll state how what I did that was so heinous. I posted a photo of a chameleon and added the definition of chameleon to my profile.

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The individual I frightened went by the name "Chameleon" and I was essentially calling her out on the ethics of her behavior. So, I hardly consider that to be worthy of that degree of fear. It's just further testimony that supports my original complaint. The defense rests.

I still have all my emails dealing with ILoveYourAccent, so I welcome any representative from this dating site to challenge my sites below. Customer service answered my report of this by asking my username. I gave it to them, and that was the last I ever heard on the matter.

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Never resolved, no sign of there being any effort to resolve it. However, I could how find any link on the website that clearly led to a subscription cancellation. So, how, I wrote to customer service, this promo asking what I needed to do to cancel my subscription and not be charged for the upcoming month.

Original to say, when the next month rolled around, I was automatically charged for another month. I informed PayPal of this deceit, and they said they wouldn't intervene because the theft from my account had already happened -- it wasn't something they could stop. How, after I changed the text in my dating site profile from personal details to telling other sites about what ILoveYourAccent did to me, I how got a response from them what a surprise! They cancelled my subscription then, but they also said they sent me an email earlier telling me how to cancel it on my own. I responded that I checked my spam folder and never received anything, and I asked them to resend the email they supposedly sent weeks ago.

Why no answer? Because they clearly lied about ever sending anything. Found a man with an accent and hair like Adonis Yes I am happy lol Like you for making this site and good luck to everyone looking for love. If anyone would have said I would find love this way I would have laughed. But I did and have never been happier in all my 55 sites on this planet To all at iloveyouraccent and how to my love Like you thank you thank you. How ever thought I would find love online but I did.

This site allowed me to meet the absolute love of my life. Never been happier and looking forward to a great life with my love. All I can say is thank you and to all the guys I say give it a chance,. Met my now wife on this site back in Always had a thing for the American accent so thought I'd give this site a date. Signed up for free initially as i Was a bit concerned whether it was genuine as again heard too much about it not like Match or eHarmony thats rammed down your throat in January on the tv adverts! Received a couple of messages at first but of course as per all these singles, you cant reply without upgrading to the paid version. Having read some of the reviews i was more than overly skeptical in paying as we all know theres a lot of sites that have these fake profiles in order to get you to sign up. So left it on basic for a few guys, then i got a message from Hope, it seemed too genuine to be a fake message again i bit the bullet and signed up. Now, here we are, 5 years later about to be celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary in sunny sometimes Scotland. Although there may be some dodgy guys out there this one definitely isnt! Ignore the trash shes even got me talking funny now! Really great dating site. Highly recommend if youre looking for something outside of the normal yawn dating sites. Get to talk to singles of different people from around the world all looking for that something special. I actually met and dated someone from Spain for 9 months, it didnt work out due to personal reasons , so how Im heading back on to this site to put myself out there again. I could not be happier, my life is about to change in a free way. I wish all good things for everyone using the site and happy All I can say for us it worked, take a chance and try it out, again a booty call site for sure lol if that is what you like looking for.

Happy New Year people.

Met a great guy from Scotland, early days but so far so good and I am happier than I could have imagined. Thank you for making iloveyouraccent. You can cancel the subscription in PayPal but to delete the account the meme has to do so. As soon as you cancel you will probably no longer have access to the site even though youlike prepaid until the end of the billing cycle.

Please send your pics to admin and we will add them for you if you like having difficulty. Hi, please email us at admin iloveyouracent. Hi, Wendy, there is no payment coming through from you, do you have a a confirmation email showing your payment? If it is a mix up on our end I will make sure you have a free days extra for your inconvenience but so farI like no payment from you.