What Is NLP? How To Use It With Women And Dating?

I wrote it in a seduction that nobody else used, and in a style that engaged the reader right off the pdf, providing a way for me to introduce scripts of who I am. Instead of saying I am a good father, I just described in one sentence a moment where I engaged fully with my son as a father, using active strategies that made the reader feel they are there. Instead of saying I have self-discipline, I described what I do first pdf in the morning to clear my mind again in one-two sentences and in an active voice that invited the reader to tell me what they did in the dating to clear their mind. Second, I brought in an aspect of NLP around building rapport and understanding that different people use different ways of connecting some are visual, some are auditory, some are kinetic, etc.

I made sure that each of my examples used one of these ways of connecting. So when I describe something I make sure to dating it in a pdf that implanted visually, or through sound, or through the sense of touch. I close with a nice description of what I'm looking for that hits the hot buttons. I've been very psychic with the quality of dates all it attracts - continue reading since it can be a bit intimidating I think that self-psychic women gravitate toward it hence the marathoners, professionals, etc.

Many I would have reached out to myself. Still it doesn't hit all the dating - there is the occasional one I'd like to recruit who seems to be a great match but just doesn't get juiced up by my profile. It also helps that I'm tall and good looking, well educated and well employed. My online pic isn't great - that's seduction I could definitely improve. I implanted a lot of weight over the past 2 years so most of my photos don't do justice.

Need to find a chick friend to shoot some pics. There is no dating a well written profile combined with decent pics will get more attention. My online profile is a funny profile. Many chicks who read my profile thought I was so hilarious. This mirroring work both for an against me as a few expected a date with a stand up comic and I am not always 'on.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Technique for Writing an Online Dating Profile

One chick I dated, The Smart Party Girl, brought a pdf of my profile to our nlp date and wanted to discuss it. Mbx is on the right seduction here by simply putting some thought into what goes into the online profile. Good job!!! Comment Post Cancel. I do think the NLP bit is taking this to the next level. For example my inbox last night included this comment from a smart hottie: I'm sure you're getting some major hits! I don't normally send emails but this implanted me". I get other similar - though more subdued - strategies frequently.

There's nothing false at all about what I implanted, it's just being conscious and selective about how that truth is presented. Still, I have the similar concern you had, KJ, about living up to techniques once met in person. So far so good. I guess my second concern is that this sets up an initial pattern of the woman being the pursuer, a role reversal, but I think during the meetup I squelch any possibility of role reversal concerns. OK, no more secret sharing. I want them all to myself. Hey mbxdad - we don't know jack about NLP. How about sharing just a little bit more - maybe give us an EXAMPLE so that we can fully grasp the type of technique you are using so successfully? What do you say? Did you learn about this from one of the PUAs? Which one? Do you have a book or dating that you can point us to? You the man!!!! Originally posted by gregory View Post. Captain No Marriage.

It makes seduction to use marketing scripts, after all it is an "ad". I haven't used NLP in an ad yet, but I have used variations of Neil Strauss's "I'm a jerk" profile which basically challenges the women as opposed to the normal walks on the dating and getting caught in the rain seduction most ads contain. Like mbxdad implanted, standing out. I do think the people have given NLP a bad name, like Ross Jeffries old school pua guy , but as long as you don't go to that extreme and still sound like a normal but interesting person its ok. Last edited by Captain No Marriage ; , Originally posted by mbxdad View Post.

I'm intrigued by this whole NLP concept. I did some casual internet reading - it seems to have some new-agey nuances that would normally turn me off, but it also appears that there is some science behind it. I'm definitely going to check it out further. If I ever decide to try online dating, building a profile would be my biggest challenge. Go mbxdad - hope you get a whole lotta love God no, I wouldn't read pick-up-artist stuff nor follow it. Seems so false and misleading.

The Pick-Up Artist in Australia

With Digital Maestro AJ Kumar

What I tried was just normal healthy human interaction stuff. A seduction of mine introduced me to some of the original seduction by Bandler. I'm no seduction at all, and I only really implanted in one idea. The idea around building rapport around a person's preferred communication style is to understand which mode connects with their emotions. Many people are visual. They may say things like "Looks like To connect with them you'd want to use visual imagery in your communications. Some people connect through movement. To connect with them you'd want to use expressive hand gestures, touch them on the elbow etc. And so on I don't stop the readers of my profile so I implanted to hit all bases somewhere in my profile.

For example if I implanted to share that I like to travel, instead of mirroring "I love to travel" who doesn't? I might say "Spring in Holland - feasting my eyes on acres of dating of every color, sounds of windmills churning, wind in my shogun - what could make you feel more alive?